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Concept Art for Video Games with Daniele Solimene

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Sketching Methods

Lesson 1 of 6 Concept Art for Video Games

In this lesson, you will build a brief, gather references and create a set of 2D line sketches. Finally, you will block out your design in either VR or traditional 3D software. 

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Lesson 1 Assignments0 of 4 Assignments Completed
  • Early Planning Homework

    For this assignment, select a difficulty level to use throughout the course, which will affect the homework assignments you're tasked with moving forward:

    Level 1: Follow the Design

    Level 2: Reinterpret the Course Brief

    Level 3: Work from a Custom Brief

    After this, either download Daniele's references or gather your own. If you're taking the course at Level 3 difficulty, then you should also build your custom brief and decide on measurements during this homework. 

  • Reference Homework

    Collect a set of references on PureRef and lay them out according to the various categories mentioned earlier. Try to vary the sources you use for reference, to get the most well-rounded inspiration.

    If you're following Daniele's design, you can download his PureRef board, but we recommend finding a few references of your own to add as well!

    Note: You can download the free PureRef software at www.pureref.com

    Note: You can download Daniele's PureRef board with references attached in this lesson's project files on the Learn Squared site. 

  • Line Sketching Homework

    Create a set of 6 rough line sketches for your design. Include any close-ups that you think will be useful for understanding the design later. Don't worry about the quality of your line art—these sketches are only a means to an end.

    If you're taking the course at Level 1, make sure to still copy the designs Daniele created, and for extra credit you can even create one of your own!

  • 3D Sketching Homework

    All Levels: Create your initial blockout in either VR or traditional 3D software. Make sure to stick to big and medium shapes, without worrying about details.

    Level 1 students can download a Blender file containing a cleaned up version of Daniele's VR blockout in this lesson's project files, as that will be the design to follow in the course. We do recommend trying to build his design yourself first though, to build your skills! 

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