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Final Presentation

Lesson 6 of 6 Concept Art for Video Games

This lesson will focus mostly on the paintover workflow, picking up with your previous renders and finishing them in Photoshop. You will also create some extra beauty shots in Blender using the alternative method. 

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Lesson 6 Assignments0 of 5 Assignments Completed
  • Organizing the Layouts Homework

    Organize all your renders into the various layouts for beauty shots and functionality sheets. By the end of this stage your functionality sheets will probably still look rough, but try to come up with the overall placement of the different elements. 

  • Preparing Final Details Homework

    Utilize render passes to make your beauty shot look as good as possible. For the functionality sheets, pay attention to how all the elements fit into the larger page. If the design feels cramped, you can expand to more than two sheets to accommodate.  

  • Paintover Final Touches Homework

    Work on any final touches needed to wrap up your design.

    Level 1: Design a screen interface like Daniele did, but feel free to come up with your own custom variations. Then make any further changes needed to finish the layouts.

    Level 2 & 3: Create screen graphics if your design calls for them. Otherwise, do whatever is necessary to finish your images. 

  • Alternative Beauty Shot Callouts Homework

    Create an extra set of beauty shot renders using the method Daniele demonstrated. You can also experiment with adding new kitbash elements for fresh takes on the same scene. 

  • Presentation Homework

    Decide on a presentation method, and then post your work on any portfolio or social media pages of your choosing. Make sure to also post your work in the Learn Squared homework gallery, to share with your fellow students! 

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