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Concept Art for Video Games with Daniele Solimene
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Kitbash Library
3D Details
Lesson 3 of 6 Concept Art for Video Games
In this lesson you will refine your 3D model, adding kitbash elements and small details as you go.
Kitbash Prep Homework
Choose a kitbash pack you want to use in your design. Then import the desired pieces into your scene and optimize them in the way Daniele demonstrated.
Level 1: Use this as a chance to branch a bit from Daniele's design. Choose a kitbash pack (or packs) that you'd like to use for your model. Since kitbash elements won't be overly prominent, you'll still be able to stick closely to Daniele's main design!
Level 2 & 3: Choose whatever kind of kitbash elements seem best for the design you're creating.
Students of all skill levels should consider the free options Daniele showed for kitbash packs, before buying paid ones. Also, don't get too caught up in making sure every kitbash element is perfect. You can customize them as you go!
Kitbashing Homework
Now it's time to integrate kitbash elements into your design.
Level 1: Even though you will have different kitbash elements from what Daniele used, fill in more or less the same areas that Daniele filled with kitbash pieces. Use your discretion and the lessons you've learned to guide you!
Lesson 2 & 3: Choose whatever kitbash placements seem best for the design you've come up with. Don't hesitate to heavily alter kitbash elements to fit the look you want to achieve.
Detail Distribution Check-In Homework
Take a screenshot of your design in the Blender viewport, and in Photoshop highlight the areas corresponding to the various fundamentals Daniele spoke about in this chapter.
Level 1: Explore whether any of your custom kitbash placements create detail distribution issues that need to be addressed.
Levels 2 & 3: Since your design will be entirely different from Daniele's, take your time and analyze the distribution carefully. Finding issues now can save a lot of time later!
Creating Functionality Homework
Now it's time to finish modeling, so that you can move into texturing in the next lesson.
Level 1: Add details to the areas Daniele worked on, such as the base, the arm mechanism and the computer terminal. Make sure to keep your custom kitbash pieces looking good as well!
Levels 2 & 3: Bring all areas of your model up to a level of detail that feels ready to move into the texturing phase.
All students should keep in mind that modeling changes can still be made after this point in future lessons, so things only need to be 'finished enough' to move forward.
Extra Credit: Big Client Change Simulation
For extra credit, Levels 2 & 3 can also engage in a second Client Feedback Simulation: This time, the developers have made a change to the game you're working on, and need you to make a change to something fundamental in the design.
Because everyone's design will be different, choose whichever one of the following requests best fits your project:
• “It has to include a chair somewhere in the design, at player height.”
• "The whole design has to be 75% shorter than its current height.”
• “It will be destroyed in the game, so pieces should be broken and missing.”
Student Homework
Lesson 1
Sketching Methods
In this lesson, you will build a brief, gather references and create a set of 2D line sketches. Finally, you will block out your design in either VR or traditional 3D software.
- 2 hours 50 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 31 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Early Planning
Thinking Like a Pro
Visual Design Tips
Initial Sketching
3D Sketching
Lesson 2
3D Modeling
In this lesson, you will take your initial 3D blockouts from the previous lesson and begin to refine them in Blender. Then you will simulate a client request, making changes based on feedback.
- 2 hours 47 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 20 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Preparing the Model
Optimize Your Workflow
Main Shapes
Client Request Simulation
Lesson 3
this lesson3D Details
In this lesson you will refine your 3D model, adding kitbash elements and small details as you go.
- 3 hours 9 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 25 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Kitbash Prep
Detail Distribution Check-In
Creating Functionality
Lesson 4
Realism Pass
In this lesson, you will assign materials, apply a color scheme, and add decals. Daniele will also show a second workflow for more realistic texturing.
- 5 hours 6 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 29 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Basic Materials
Focal Points and Accents
Color Schemes
Alternative Texturing Methods
Lesson 5
In this lesson, Daniele will teach you both of his rendering workflows. The first builds toward a final paintover stage in Photoshop, and the second finishes everything entirely in Blender.
- 4 hours 37 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 37 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Expanding the Environment
Set Dressing
Optimizing the Scene
Finishing the 3D
Render Passes
Alternative Beauty Shot: Realtime Compositor
Lesson 6
Final Presentation
This lesson will focus mostly on the paintover workflow, picking up with your previous renders and finishing them in Photoshop. You will also create some extra beauty shots in Blender using the alternative method.
- 3 hours 19 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 25 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Organizing the Layouts
Preparing Final Details
Interface Design
Alternative Beauty Shot Callouts
Presenting the Work
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