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Creating 3D Elements

Lesson 3 of 5 Grounded Costume Design

This lesson will explore how to create 3D elements for a costume. This will help to resolve complex shapes more easily in your design, and will prepare you for the more 3D-focused character coming up later in the course. 

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Lesson 3 Assignments0 of 2 Assignments Completed
  • First Modeled Piece Homework

    First, decide on the items you want to model in 3D. Then, choose one to model first and create that element in the 3D software of your choice. Once you've done this, integrate a screenshot or render of that model into your 2D image from the previous lesson. 

  • Finalizing the Design Homework

    Take a step back from your design and ensure that everything feels integrated and cohesive. What can you add, subtract or refine to make your costume feel even more compelling? By the end of this homework you should have a finished piece of artwork showing your costume design. 

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