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Project Planning Homework

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Finishing Touches

Lesson 5 of 5 Mastering Film UI

In this lesson, you will finish the animated section you've been working on, and can repeat the process until your entire project is complete. You'll also get an extended look at Kris' work on his own project after the events of the course! 

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Lesson 5 Assignments0 of 3 Assignments Completed
  • Primary Element Finishing Touches Homework

    Bring the pieces of your primary element that you chose to work on during this course to their finished state. Take your time, refine your comp, and add any final touches needed to bring your animation to a point where you're happy with it!

    You don't have to finish every single piece of your primary element animation yet—Kris still animates more pieces of his design after this, but the first two stages he chose to animate during the course are complete.

    Note: You can see Kris' further design and animation process in this lesson's bonus video content. 

  • Further Interfaces Homework

    Use this homework assignment as an opportunity for extra credit: Refine any further designs you've planned out for your interface, and then animate them to the same level as the work you've previously done for this course. Make sure to stay inquisitive, and keep a problem-solving mindset as you move forward. You can also access Kris' further design and animation videos to see his process working on his own interface after the events of this course. Take as much time as you need, and have fun!

    Note: You can see Kris' further design and animation process in this lesson's bonus video content. 

  • Full Presentation Homework

    Create a final trailer which compiles all your animated interfaces into one high-quality sequence. We also encourage you to create beauty images, GIFs and other elements for presentation—anything that you think would best highlight your designs! 

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