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Mastering Film UI with Kris Brady

Only $174

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Primary Element Design

Lesson 2 of 5 Mastering Film UI

In this lesson you'll focus on designing the most prominent interface element in your project. You'll first build on your earlier rough designs to create a set of refined sketches. Then you'll turn those into detailed, animation-ready designs in Illustrator. 

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Lesson 2 Assignments0 of 3 Assignments Completed
  • Sketching States Homework

    Using your rough sketches from the previous lesson as a base, create a set of refined sketches depicting two different states of your primary interface.

    For extra credit (and if the design calls for it), create another two states for your interface, for a total of four.

    Note: You can find the clay renders Kris used as a base for his sketches, along with several other 'art department' assets, in the downloadable project files of Lesson 1. 

  • Illustrator Practice Homework

    Create a simple practice design in Illustrator. This design should not be related to the project you plan to work on in the course. Instead, let this assignment be a chance for you to get used to the various tools and techniques of Illustrator without any pressure.

    Advanced students who are already familiar with Illustrator can skip this homework if they prefer, though we still recommend spending some time here to warm up! 

  • Primary Design Homework

    Create your primary element design in Illustrator. Keep the design's future animation in mind, and remember that you can return to this step while animating to alter things or make them fit better in After Effects.

    You can build out all the various states of the design now, or you can choose to do a few now and design more later. For example, Kris designed two states here, and will return to design further states in the course's additional content, once these first two states are completed. 

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