Lesson 5 of 6 VFX in Unreal
This lesson will focus on snow in its various forms. You will begin by creating simple snow covering the ground of your scene, and then move into more dynamic moving elements like snow gusts, falling clumps and fluttering snowflakes. Finally, Tyler will demonstrate another dynamic element often used in Unreal scenes: spraying blood, and the way it impacts with surfaces.
Fresh Powder
Create a material to cover your objects with snow, with an effect to let it sparkle in the light as you move the camera.
Let It Snow
Create blowing snow clouds and falling clumps of snow. Once all your snow effects are finished, arrange everything into a polished scene and upload a GIF or video of your work to the Learn Squared homework gallery.
That's Gotta Hurt
Create a spraying blood effect that impacts with the ground. For extra credit, you can try creating more dynamic shapes for your blood splatter. When the effect is finished, integrate it into one of your scenes from the course and upload a video or GIF to the Learn Squared homework gallery.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
From the outset, you will learn by doing. After a few basic crash course videos, you will follow along with Tyler step-by-step as he creates a fire effect. Then as you reach certain milestones, you will break down what you've created to better understand it. This way, you'll be hands-on with Unreal from very early on, rather than spending lots of time memorizing things at the beginning. After you've created all the various effects, you'll learn to set dress your scene and capture it for your portfolio.
- 3 hours 59 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 37 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Understanding VFX
Basic Fire Crash Course
Going In-Depth
Creating Smoke
Scene Setup
Lesson 2
This lesson will cover the various forms of water. By utilizing your textures, materials and particles in a smart way, you'll be able to re-use certain elements across many different effects. Falling water like rain and waterfalls, bodies of water like pools and streams, and water impacts like splashes and ripples, will all be covered here.
- 3 hours 27 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 22 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Vertical Streams
Bodies of Water
Lesson 3
In this lesson, you will try a new technique to apply wind to your scene. Every asset will be tied to a global wind parameter, so that all objects will blow in the same direction, and can be dynamically modified at the touch of a button. You'll also cover various smaller effects, like blowing cloth, leaves and visible wind gusts.
- 1 hour 22 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 11 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Wind Material
Nature Effects
Lesson 4
This lesson will focus on living elements that can help your scene feel more natural. To demonstrate the concepts behind the elements of attraction, Tyler will begin by building a magic orb effect. Once you have the basic concepts down, the same principles can be applied to living creatures like birds, fish and insects.
- 2 hours 26 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 16 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Living Magic
Crawling Bugs
Lesson 5
this lessonSnow
This lesson will focus on snow in its various forms. You will begin by creating simple snow covering the ground of your scene, and then move into more dynamic moving elements like snow gusts, falling clumps and fluttering snowflakes. Finally, Tyler will demonstrate another dynamic element often used in Unreal scenes: spraying blood, and the way it impacts with surfaces.
- 3 hours 21 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 22 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Texture Prep
Fallen Snow
Moving Snow
Snow Clumps
Blood Spray
Lesson 6
This bonus lesson will cover Unreal's new Niagara VFX system. Tyler will take you through the interface, showing you how everything relates to what you've learned in Cascade. Then he will help you recreate the particle effects you made in Cascade within this new ecosystem. You'll also explore exciting effects that you wouldn't have been able to achieve in Cascade, thanks to Niagara's advanced feature set.
NOTE: This lesson is designed to be undertaken after completing the five previous lessons in Cascade. If you skip directly here from the outset, you may be confused unless you're already familiar with the software.
- 1 hour 55 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 15 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Welcome to Niagara
Recreating Effects
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