Unreal Basics
Lesson 4 of 5 Stylized Environments in Unreal
Welcome to Unreal. In this lesson, you will be importing everything you've created so far and getting it set up inside Unreal Engine. You'll be configuring a master material for your rocks, and another for your foliage. These will be very important when populating your scene in the next lesson.
Rock Your World
Create your rock and boulder master material. Make sure the parameters are working properly so you have all the flexibility you'll need later. Upload viewport screenshots of your master material to the Learn Squared homework gallery.
Add Some Greenery
Create the master material for your foliage, and the cloud/fog sheet needed for your landscapes in Unreal. Then upload viewport screenshots of these master materials to the Learn Squared homework gallery.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
Understanding Game Art
To begin, you will cover several of the most important steps relating to any Unreal project. Tyler will show you how to budget your time and effort, identifying exactly which assets need to be created. This will save you from doing any unnecessary work down the line. After this, you will gather references and sculpt the base rock that will be used in your scene.
- 1 hour 36 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 19 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Work Smarter
Planning the Project
Rock Sculpting
Lesson 2
Creating Foliage
You will now work on building a foliage card for use in Unreal. Tyler will take you through the process of modeling all sorts of greenery with various techniques. You will then learn about texture baking, and Tyler will help you squash any bugs that appear in this stage to prevent problems further down the line.
- 1 hour 6 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 12 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Foliage Card
Texture Baking
Lesson 3
Preparing for Unreal
Now you'll create your texture maps for rocks and foliage. Tyler will demonstrate how light interacts with different types of polygons, and how you can optimize your forms to catch light in a dynamic way. Lastly, you will arrange all your assets and get them finalized for use in Unreal.
- 38 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 11 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Texture Map
How Light Falls on Forms
Preparing Final Assets
New Techniques
Lesson 4
this lessonUnreal Basics
Welcome to Unreal. In this lesson, you will be importing everything you've created so far and getting it set up inside Unreal Engine. You'll be configuring a master material for your rocks, and another for your foliage. These will be very important when populating your scene in the next lesson.
- 1 hour 23 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 18 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Mesh Importing
Understanding Materials
Rock Master Material
Foliage Master Material
Lesson 5
Creating an Environment
In this lesson, you'll take all the pieces you've been building and assemble them into a cohesive scene. Tyler will guide you through each step of the process, from rock and foliage placement to lighting and color balance. You'll also see how the same exact assets can be used in a myriad of ways, creating completely different scenes by tweaking just a few settings. When you've completed this lesson, you will have a finished environment.
- 1 hour 27 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 22 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Scene Blockout
Populating Foliage
Changing the Scenarios
Going Further
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