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Styleframes with Zaoeyo (Xiaolin Zeng)

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  • 6 hours 42 minutes
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Golden Styleframe

Lesson 3 of 5 Styleframes

In this Lesson you'll combine all the skills you've learned throughout the course to create your own styleframe. After coming up with a concept, a major part of the process involves planning out the sequence of shots which will end up on your final board. Then you will compose, light, and render your sequence's most important shot. This will be your Golden Styleframe. 

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  • Extra Credit

    Use the same process to come up with another concept, and turn that into a Golden Styleframe as well. 

  • Extended Study

    Follow along with the final chapter to create a styleframe themed after the video game series Fallout.  

  • Frames with Style

    Use the Brief Builder to come up with your own concept, and then brainstorm how you will bring that concept to life. After this, create your first Golden Styleframe. 

    References can be found here: pinterest.com/zaoeyo/octanestyleframe/

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