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Sketching Everything with KleinerHai
Only $124
- 15 hours 14 minutesTotal Course Duration
- 110 VideosVideos in Course
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General Scenes Homework
Character Brainstorming
Lesson 3 of 4 Sketching Everything
Once you’ve created a set of locations, it’s time to design the characters who populate them. You will begin by brainstorming looks and costumes. Then you’ll create specialized scenes depicting these characters’ lives.
Figure Sketching Basics Homework
Loosen up your sketching hand by creating a bunch of quick character sketches. The objective here is not to create perfect characters, or even good ones. Instead, you should focus on simply putting ideas down on the page quickly, and without self-consciousness.
For Beginner Students: Create 10 full-body sketches and 10 face sketches.
For Advanced Students: Create 20 full-body sketches and 20 face sketches.
NOTE: If you're not comfortable drawing bodies or faces, you can use Kleiner's template PSD included in this lesson's downloadable course files.
Character Brainstorm Homework
Identify any specialized characters you'd like to appear in your world. Then, for each of these characters, create three designs for their look and costume.
For extra credit, create 5-10 designs for general citizens who will populate your scenes.
Citizen Context Explorations Homework
Using the character designs you've come up earlier, create some scenes specifically with them in mind. You can place them in the locations you've already come up with, but using new camera angles. This will let you focus in closer on these scenes, while also exploring new ways to view your existing environments.
Create two sets of context exploration sketches in two different locations, for a total of four sketches.
For extra credit, create two more sets of sketches in two more locations.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
Establishing the World
You will begin the first lesson by learning how best to plan out a concept for your world. Next, Kleiner will cover various sketching basics. Finally, you will begin your project by working on some of the widest shots of your environments.
- 4 hours 5 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 31 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Planning Your Project
Sketching Basics
First Brainstorm Sketches
Landscape Brainstorm Sketches
Lesson 2
City Brainstorming
In this lesson, you will get a closer view of your environment. At first, you will establish various general scenes showing daily life, before starting to design the look of specific locations that might be more important to the story.
- 1 hour 46 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 16 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
General Street Scenes
Specialized Locations
City Brainstorming Conclusion
Lesson 3
this lessonCharacter Brainstorming
Once you’ve created a set of locations, it’s time to design the characters who populate them. You will begin by brainstorming looks and costumes. Then you’ll create specialized scenes depicting these characters’ lives.
- 2 hours 27 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 14 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Character Brainstorm Sketches
Citizen Context Explorations
Lesson 4
Finalizing Sketches
In this lesson, you will finalize your sketches. Kleiner will take you through several finishing methods, including line art sketches, color frames, character sheets, value sketches, and large-scale environment plans.
- 6 hours 54 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 49 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Character Sheets
Color Sketching Basics
Character Color Frames
Location Line Art Refinement
Location Color Sketch
Environment Value Sketch
Environment Line Art
Environment Exploration
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