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Lesson 1 of 4 Production Concept Art

You won't get far without planning! We'll start things off by learning how to deconstruct a sample creative brief you might receive from an art director or production designer. After creating a unique outline with our Brief Builder, you'll begin collecting research and reference to create a mood board. Finally, Jan will cover his most commonly used tools in Modo and Octane to use as a basis for creating sketches during an early design phase.

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  • Assignment

    Choose a design topic according to the Brief Builder if you have not already done so. Collect references and organize them as you see fit. Based on the three approaches to the brief and your research, develop three design ideas. Follow the steps from this lesson to create one final sketch.

  • Extra Credit

    Option A: Create five warmup designs of architectural details. Option B: Create a version of the final sketch that looks very different from the one you initially chose.

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