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Painting Historical Fiction with Marco Gorlei

Only $74 (was $149)

  • 25 hours
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  • 186 Videos
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Finishing the Paintover

Lesson 8 of 8 Painting Historical Fiction

In this lesson you will finish your paintover and lay out all your work for presentation in your portfolio.

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Lesson 8 Assignments0 of 2 Assignments Completed
  • Finishing Homework

    Add in any small details, costume pieces, post-processing or other elements needed to bring your paintover to a finished state. Don’t be afraid to take a break from the artwork and come back with fresh eyes to gain a new perspective. Now is also a great time to dive into more reference material for fine details you might want to add, or to check the authenticity of the image as a whole. Take your time and enjoy the process!

  • Presentation Homework

    Lay out your images in a way that will look best in your portfolio. Make sure your hard work is shown to the world in its most compelling form!

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  • hi.could u please share the blend file?