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3D Enhancements

Lesson 6 of 8 Painting Historical Fiction

Once you have a plan laid out from your refined sketches, create any new assets, and adjust the 3D scene as needed to prepare for the final paintover.

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Lesson 6 Assignments0 of 2 Assignments Completed
  • Set Dressing Asset Kit Homework

    Create a second asset kit, this time comprised of any smaller-scale props or elements that might help to make your scene feel more lived-in. Like with the previous kit, you can source 3D assets from online where you feel custom work isn’t needed.

  • Final 3D Scene Homework

    Adjust your composition, add in any new props, refine lighting, and take your 3D scene to a finished state. How far you take the 3D depends on how comfortable you are with the photobashing and paintover stages to come. When everything is finished, render out any render passes you need.

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