Using 3D for Paintings

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Hero Asset

Lesson 2 of 8 Painting Historical Fiction

Using simple 3D techniques, you’ll focus on modeling the single asset that will be most eye-catching within your compositions.

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Lesson 2 Assignments0 of 3 Assignments Completed
  • Basic Form Homework

    First, identify what your ‘hero asset’ will be for your artwork. This would be the object, character or other element in your scene which is most clearly in focus within the artwork, and therefore would be most noticeable to the viewer.


    Then, create the most basic form for your hero asset, using SubD modeling techniques.

  • Finished 3D Model Homework

    Finish the 3D model for your hero asset, using the various techniques Marco demonstrated in this lesson. Keep in mind that you don’t need to create every single detail in the modeling stage. Many details will also come from texturing in 3D, as well as the photobashing and paintover stages later in the course.

  • Textured Hero Asset Homework

    Texture your hero asset using the methods that Marco demonstrated in this chapter. Aim to add more detail in this stage, though your finished asset doesn’t need to have absolutely everything by the end of this assignment. Even more details will be added in the photobash and paintover stages later in the course.

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