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Meet Marco
Lesson 1 of 8 Painting Historical Fiction
In this lesson you’ll come up with an idea for your painting, and learn to immerse yourself into the era you want to depict. Then you’ll create a set of composition sketches and callouts to lay a plan for your images to come.
Ideation Homework
Come up with an idea for your artwork, its era and its aesthetic. Then gather reference on a PureRef board using the techniques Marco demonstrated. Don’t be afraid to spend time researching your setting and any specific details you might need to bring it to life!
Note: You can use our free Brief Builder tool at www.briefbuilder.app to brainstorm ideas.
Composition Analysis Homework
Choose 8 screenshots of compositions you like from film, TV or games and use the attached template file to analyze these compositions through simple linework. Be careful not to get overly detailed. The goal here is to break down each composition to its most basic form.
Note: You can access the accompanying Photoshop template in this lesson’s downloadable project files.
Assets Detail Distribution Homework
Stretch, squish and transform Marco’s initial building design into a new set of 2-3 buildings of your own, using the template provided. These don’t have to be perfect, they’re just a quick way to get you thinking about the proportional ideas Marco demonstrated. Have fun with it!
Note: You can access the accompanying Photoshop template in this lesson’s downloadable project files.
Big, Medium, Small in Composition Homework
Using the template image provided, add a set of your own details to Marco’s simple scene. See how these additions can change the feel of the image!
Note: You can access the accompanying Photoshop template in this lesson’s downloadable project files.
Value Comps Homework
Create 3-4 very basic value compositions showing your scene from different angles. Make sure the values are easily distinguishable. Alternatively, if you’re more comfortable with another sketching method Marco showed, you can use that style instead. Keep the fundamentals Marco demonstrated in mind, and keep things simple for now.
Callouts Homework
Create a page of 2-4 callout sketches to define any areas of your compositions which might need to be figured out in more detail. These can be loosely rendered, but they should be readable to an outside viewer.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
this lessonSketching
In this lesson you’ll come up with an idea for your painting, and learn to immerse yourself into the era you want to depict. Then you’ll create a set of composition sketches and callouts to lay a plan for your images to come.
- 5 hours 11 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 34 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
How to Find Inspiration
- Fundamentals IntroPreview01:00
- Analyzing CompositionPreview20:32
- Composition Analysis HomeworkPreview01:34
- Identifying Good LightingPreview10:55
- 3D Demos IntroPreview01:07
- Demonstrating Light in 3DPreview11:17
- Detail Distribution in AssetsPreview15:28
- Assets Detail Distribution HomeworkPreview00:51
- Object PlacementPreview03:50
- Big, Medium, Small in CompositionPreview08:56
- Big, Medium, Small in Composition HomeworkPreview01:11
- ColorPreview19:56
Sketching Styles
Value Comps
Callout Sketches
Lesson 2
Hero Asset
Using simple 3D techniques, you’ll focus on modeling the single asset that will be most eye-catching within your compositions.
- 3 hours 9 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 31 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Marco's Blender Recommendations
Basic Form Creation
Various Basics Interlude
Refining the Base Form
Finished 3D Model
Lesson 3
Asset Kit Creation
You will now create a set of 3D assets to populate your scene, based on what is laid out in your composition sketches.
- 2 hours 42 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 20 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Useful Techniques
Natural Terrain Assets
Small Detail Assets
Architectural Assets
Advanced Texturing
Lesson 4
3D Scene Setup
In this lesson, you will lay out three different camera angles of your world, using your composition sketches as a guide.
- 1 hour 29 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 13 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Initial Scene Assembly
Refining Assets
Scene Refinements
Lesson 5
Refined 2D Sketch
Before moving into the final paintover, you will first create a set of refined sketches using your 3D scene as a base. With this workflow, you will be able to quickly and freely experiment with details.
- 3 hours 30 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 25 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Reviewing the Scene
Prepping for Refined Sketch
Refined Sketching Essentials
Refining the Terrain
Adding Detail and Life
Lesson 6
3D Enhancements
Once you have a plan laid out from your refined sketches, create any new assets, and adjust the 3D scene as needed to prepare for the final paintover.
- 2 hours 48 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 25 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Set Dressing Asset Kit
Reworking the 3D Scene
Large Prop
Final Refinements
Lesson 7
Paintover Blockout
You’ll begin working on your final paintover by adding in all of the broader elements and refinements which make up the scene, without worrying about fine details.
- 3 hours 56 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 22 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Refined Photobashing Techniques
Initial Photobashing
Bringing in Life
Blocking in Fine Details
Lesson 8
Finishing the Paintover
In this lesson you will finish your paintover and lay out all your work for presentation in your portfolio.
- 2 hours 12 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 16 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
First Pass of Refinements
Second Pass of Refinements
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