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Small-Scale Environments

Lesson 3 of 5 Painting Everything

This lesson will be about painting scenes that focus more heavily on mood, giving a new perspective to life within your world.

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Lesson 3 Assignments0 of 4 Assignments Completed
  • Small-Scale Environments Color Blocking Homework

    Create the initial color blocking for your Small-Scale Environment paintings. Be careful not to go into too much detail or second guess your color choices in this stage. This should be a way to see the big picture, so keep a broader perspective as you work. 

  • Small-Scale Environments Rough Paintings Homework

    Do the rough paintings for your Small-Scale Environments. Think about composition, lighting and mood, as well as any places you might want to start on details that can be fleshed out in the next chapter. 

  • Small-Scale Environments Small Details Homework

    Add the small details and other refinements to your Small-Scale Environments, until they feel mostly (or completely) finished. 

  • Small-Scale Environments Final Checks Homework

    Do the final checks for your Small-Scale Environments by adding in any extra details or fixing issues you may not have noticed before. Finally, apply any post-processing needed to make your paintings shine. Have fun finishing your second set of paintings for the course! 

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