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Specialized Locations

Lesson 2 of 5 Painting Everything

In this lesson, you’ll learn various refinement techniques like lighting, photobashing and more, before finishing your first set of paintings. 

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Lesson 2 Assignments0 of 3 Assignments Completed
  • Specialized Location Rough Paintings Homework

    Create the rough paintings for each of your Specialized Locations. During this stage, it's not about adding detail, but instead about furthering your blueprint. Focus instead on refining your composition, keeping the color and mood under control, and thinking on a generally more macro scale. 

  • Specialized Location Small Details Homework

    Now it's time to complete the small details stage for your Specialized Location paintings. Take your time here, and add in finalized lighting, color, costumes, faces, etc. until your painting feels 95-100% finished. We will be coming back for another pass either way, but the painting should feel like it's already finished or close to finished by the end of this stage. 

  • Specialized Location Final Checks Homework

    Do the final checks for your Specialized Location paintings, to whatever degree feels necessary. Don't be afraid to make some bolder changes to your work, now that you're seeing it one more time with fresh eyes. Have fun finishing your first set of paintings for this course! 

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