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Main Title Design with Ash Thorp
Only $149
- 12 hoursTotal Course Duration
- 98 VideosVideos in Course
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A Brief History
Lesson 2 of 8 Main Title Design
Choosing a relevant typeface may seem like a simple task, but it can make or break a project entirely. Ash will show you how much thought should go into a decision like this, and begin laying out quick frames with type placement in mind. From here, you will learn to craft a moving story to match the progress made during the previous lesson.
Extra Credit
Using as many type families as you wish, create at least three (3) cast and crew type layouts for three (3) of your favorite films, games, or television shows.
Adopting on of the sample themes provided, created three (3) cast and crew type layouts using one (1) type family.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
Analyzing Titles
What exactly is the function of a title sequence? To get things started, Ash will walk you through various examples and dissect what works and what doesn’t in title sequences. Study how the Greats are able to capture a unique glimpse of the story in a short amount of time.
- 1 hourTotal Lesson Duration
- 8 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Lesson 2
this lessonTypography
Choosing a relevant typeface may seem like a simple task, but it can make or break a project entirely. Ash will show you how much thought should go into a decision like this, and begin laying out quick frames with type placement in mind. From here, you will learn to craft a moving story to match the progress made during the previous lesson.
- 48 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 9 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Basics of Typography
Typography in Title Design
Lesson 3
A Controlled Experiment
Let’s dive head-first into a controlled title design experiment. Using a small, predetermined set of reference images, Ash will challenge himself and his students to create a mock sequence based off of a sample logline and film title.
- 1 hour 58 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 13 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Idea Generation
Applying Practices
Lesson 4
Graphic Design Basics
Learn to approach projects which only required graphic design to achieve their creative goal. Using the principles taught in previous lessons, Ash will be creating 4-8 brand new styleframes using only design. You will explore how he creates thumbnails, pulls and organizes references, and utilizes mind maps.
- 1 hour 14 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 14 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Principles of Graphic Design
The Incredibles
Lesson 5
Finishing Graphic Design
Building upon the contents of the previous lesson, Ash will further explain his philosophies and techniques behind creating a title sequence based in graphic design. You will revisit the world of typography, building out final composites in Photoshop, and learning to take a step back to reflect on our work.- 1 hour 34 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 10 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Refining The Incredibles
Typography + Compositing
Lesson 6
Using 3D Software
Sometimes you don’t always have the time or resources for a large photoshoot. In these situations, realistic 3D can be a wonderful substitution to use in title design. In this lesson, Ash will explore how he uses Cinema 4D, Octane, and Marvelous Designer - and more importantly why he uses them in these situations.- 3 hours 12 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 22 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Using 3D Software
Preparing for 3D
Cinema 4D
Marvelous Designer
Octane Render
Lesson 7
Compositing 3D Renders
Building upon the knowledge from the prior lesson, we’ll continue exploring the complex world of 3D software. Ash will show his process for integrating his 3D renders into Photoshop, to further accomplish the goals of his mind map and theme. Here, you will learn to create detailed production-ready frames using all of the 2D and 3D techniques discussed prior.
- 1 hour 7 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 12 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Compositing Frail
Back to Typography
Review and Analysis
Lesson 8
Brains over Brawn
You should always strive to be a part of your client’s brain, and not strictly their hands. To wrap things up, Ash will recap his best practices for managing artist/client relationships. Learn how and why you should carefully present your work to preserve the quality within.
- 1 hour 5 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 10 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
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