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Industrial Design Foundations with Tim Zarki

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  • 11 hours 59 minutes
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Design in 3D

Lesson 3 of 4 Industrial Design Foundations

Designing products for the real world more often than not requires some work in CAD. In this lesson, you'll learn what CAD is, how it works, and begin building your product in 3D. Tim will cover his techniques for crafting meaningful detail and how to implement it into your product.

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  • Hi, just wondering how can you move the "constraint" panel from the middle top to the right side like your setting? Also, usually from experience with other 3D software, the quick key for "finish sketch" is usually "Enter" or "Ecs". Fusion seems to have something different or maybe my setting is not right. I know this is a very basic question but I just can't seem to find the answer.

    • Random question, what's the software beside Blender on your screen?

      • I think Alias actually does have history and is parametric as a result. At least it did when I was using it back in 2011. Great overview, though.