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Industrial Design Foundations with Tim Zarki

Only $74

  • 11 hours 59 minutes
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  • 110 Videos
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Lesson 2 of 4 Industrial Design Foundations

Continue your studies to understand the design philosophies of various products. Tim will show you his various techniques for developing advanced sketches and product breakdowns. You'll learn to work rough textures into your mockup and capture the essence of your product before moving on.

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  • While he is more free-form at this part, there are some good tips for beginners. He doesn't explicitly cover them but that doesn't mean there is nothing to gleam. For instance, sketching perspectives which convey ideas clearly and concisely, referring back to mind map/mood if you run out of ideas, and adding notes on the imagined functionality.

    • this part is sooo lazy. it's so self-explanatory and I don't even know how people can get what you are talking about while you sketching...