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HUD Animation with Ryan Cashman

Only $149

  • 3 hours 42 minutes
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  • 45 Videos
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Advanced Techniques

Lesson 3 of 4 HUD Animation

This lesson is all about the nitty gritty. Here you'll dive deep into a HUD design and begin animating complex details to bring your designs to the next level. Ryan will cover the power of shape layers within After Effects, techniques for animating text and numbers, and outline a few expressions to drive these assets.

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    Create an animated asset using shape layers and expressions. The primary goal is to create something both visually interesting and easy to modify. Focus on making the controls simple to understand - imagine this asset will be passed on to another animator to work with.

    A good rule of thumb when creating animation controls is to keep controls affecting multiple layers in a separate null object, where controls only affecting a single layer can remain on that layer.

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  • <p>This is another approach to maintaining the layer's stroke width:&nbsp;http://battleaxe.tumblr.com/post/101945073972/maintain-stroke-weight-expression</p>