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Environment Concept Art with Pablo Dominguez

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Bringing in the ZBrush Assets

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Creating Materials

Lesson 3 of 8 Environment Concept Art

In this lesson, you'll set up various materials and apply them to the environment assets you've created in ZBrush. 

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Lesson 3 Assignments0 of 4 Assignments Completed
  • Customizing the UI Homework

    For this homework, follow along with the UI customization process Pablo showed in the previous video. Doing this yourself will help you to get accustomed to the Blender interface.

    Note: If you would prefer to skip this step, you can find Pablo's Blender UI config file in this lesson's downloadable project files. 

  • Materials Prep Homework

    Using the techniques Pablo showed in this chapter, create your own set of materials. It's recommended that you first follow along and create the same ones as Pablo, especially if you're not comfortable in the software. Then after you have these materials, try experimenting with different settings and concepts for new materials of your own.

    Note: You can find the materials Pablo created in this lesson's downloadable project files. 

  • Using Your Created Assets Homework

    Now that you have your materials, take the assets you imported from ZBrush and apply whichever materials are needed. Then, save each asset to the Asset Browser. 

  • Basic Scene Rendering Homework

    Try setting up a basic scene using all the techniques you've learned in this lesson. However, rather than starting to create the environment you plan to make for this course, it's recommended that you create a practice scene unrelated to your final project. This way, you can learn the tools in a stress-free environment, without worrying about the final result. 

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