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Environment Concept Art with Pablo Dominguez

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Establishing a Design Language

Lesson 1 of 8 Environment Concept Art

In this lesson you will come up with a basic idea for your environment, and create your own design language in ZBrush.

Note: This lesson also comes with Pablo's ZBrush Basics course as a free bonus! There will be a point during this lesson in which you're told when and how to access this content. 

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Lesson 1 Assignments0 of 6 Assignments Completed
  • Ideation Homework

    Come up with a concept for your project by using the Brief Builder. Then find a set of references for your environment. Try to stick to 10-15 reference images in total, rather than collecting a huge library of inspiration.

    Note: Pablo's Brief Builder image is included in the downloadable files for this lesson, or you can use our free Brief Builder tool: www.briefbuilder.app

  • Graphic Shapes Homework

    Create a set of graphic shapes using different styles, like Pablo did in the previous video. Don't worry about creating something representational—this exercise is meant to be totally abstract. After you've created your set of graphic shapes, overlay another set of abstract shapes on top of them, and then overlay another set of details on top of those. In total, you should have three layers of detail for your graphic shapes, just like Pablo created earlier. 

  • Detail Distribution Homework

    Choose some of your graphic shapes created earlier, and overlay a set of details on top of them, using the distribution guidelines Pablo mentioned. Try doing this without laying out overt rulers or markers for perfect distribution—instead, you want to train your brain to recognize these spacial separations on its own.

    Note: You can create your own set of simple details to distribute, or you can find the ones Pablo used in this lesson's downloadable project files.

  • Design Language Homework

    Choose a type of structure or object ('house,' 'ship,' 'lamp,' etc.) and find at least five examples of how different cultures have created this same structure/object. The references you find can also include fictional worlds, like sci-fi concept art or fantasy films. Once you've found a set of different examples, study how each culture has achieved the various necessities of design, and what drove those choices.

    For extra credit, you can do this again with 1-2 more types of structures or objects.

    Note: You can use the free software PureRef (www.pureref.com) to collect the images you find for this assignment. 

  • Sketching in Different Styles Homework

    Choose an image of a simple real-life building, and then sketch that same building in the style of at least three different cultural, historical, or fictional civilizations. Try adapting the building into the styles of your favorite pop culture franchises!

    Don't worry about your technical sketching abilities here, this assignment is more about learning the inner workings and design concepts of architecture. The journey of making the sketches is the important part—not necessarily the final result. 

  • Shape Templates Homework

    Create 1-2 square shape templates of your own. Keep in mind the fundamentals you learned at the beginning of this lesson. Even though each template will be abstract, you can still infuse them with design language and motifs that will appear in your architecture later!

    For extra credit, create 2 more templates to help your designs have even more variety. 

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