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Concepting in ZBrush with Alex Figini

Only $99

  • 6 hours 27 minutes
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  • 86 Videos
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  • 4.09 GB of Files
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ZBrush Fundamentals

Lesson 2 of 4 Concepting in ZBrush

Prepare to take the plunge into the wild, daunting world of ZBrush! Alex will walk you through his entire playbook, covering a range of both basic and advanced tools from start to finish. Learn how to properly navigate ZBrush and make the most of the powerful tools at your disposal by starting your very first character sculpt.

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Lesson 2 Assignments0 of 2 Assignments Completed
  • Assignment

    Create a rough sculpt based on your initial design.
    Beginner: Create a rough bust sculpt
    Advanced: Created a rough full figure sculpt
  • Extra Credit

    In addition to creating your rough sculpt, complete one or more of the following:
    1. Dramatically pose your sculpt
    2. Model a prop to go with your character
    3. Test renders in an external renderer
    4. Do paintovers to explore additional ideas

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