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CGI Filmmaking with Sava Zivkovic
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Presentation (Raw)
CGI Filmmaking
Lesson 1 of 1 CGI Filmmaking
Discover the complete process of becoming a CGI filmmaker with industry-leading artist Sava Zivkovic. Through this previously recorded live seminar, Sava walks you through all the steps he's taken to master his craft, sharing techniques and insights that have made him one of the most sought-after filmmakers in the field.
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Lesson 1
this lessonCGI Filmmaking
Discover the complete process of becoming a CGI filmmaker with industry-leading artist Sava Zivkovic. Through this previously recorded live seminar, Sava walks you through all the steps he's taken to master his craft, sharing techniques and insights that have made him one of the most sought-after filmmakers in the field.
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