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Concepts and Casting

Lesson 3 of 8 Artistic Portrait Photography

With equipment and lighting covered, Jingna will now show you her steps in producing a creative photoshoot. Starting from concept-creation, you will learn about shaping your own ideas, searching and casting for models, and prop and styling item sourcing.

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Lesson 3 Assignments0 of 1 Assignment Completed
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    1. Create 2 concepts you want to shoot for the course. Only 1 is required for execution—the first is your first choice and ideal concept, the second is your backup. File all reference images into one folder, consider each elements separately, such as lighting and mood, hairstyle, makeup, and so on. 


    2. Cast at least 1 model for your concepts and put together casting photos. 


    3. Plan and source for props (if applicable).

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