// Building Objects from Shape Templates + Basic Texturing //

Building a Kit in Environment Concept Art

Thurlow Jacobson

Apr 29. 2024

// Building Objects from Shape Templates + Basic Texturing //

The below images showcase my unsuccessful first attempt at creating objects from shape templates. It was not unsuccessful in the sense that I am unhappy with the aesthetic and overall appeal of the work I've done, instead, it was unsuccessful due to the extremely high point count I reached in such a short time. I got carried away in experiments as I did not pay due attention the the poly density. Decimating and applying mass texturing became a lost cause as I realized it would be more worth it to start anew with two fresh shape templates and with which I would apply all my crucial learnings from this first experiment. After finishing my second set I realized I made the right decision, as my second set's point count is 10% of the previous file's gargantuan point count.

// Applying Learnings to the Second Attempt //

As the above title suggests, I used the challenges from my prior shape templates to dictate a lot of the decisions in sculpting the shape template and the objects. This opportunity allowed me to solidify my learnings from Pablo while learning new techniques (and having fun) in the process. I was far more controlled and authoritative with building this set of objects than the first; this time, each thing I made has a distinctive purpose and I did not move onto the next object until I was fully finished with the current one. I was even able to make four fully finished towers that I will use in my final scene, whether scattered or apart of a grander mega-structure. I also ensured to have enough variety of objects before moving on, so I made a checklist to help achieve this goal. Although the towers have a lot of complexity, the cohesiveness of colours and shapes allows the eye to not get too overwhelmed. Furthermore, the important shapes and details are still readable at differing scales, which was a main goal. I am incredibly pleased with my objects and shapes so far, very much looking forward to using these works to build a larger kit!


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