Finishing Graphic Design
Update: I really liked how these turned out, so I finished all 12 thumbnails into final frames. Pretty happy with the results. Thank you guys for the comments and crits! Original post: I'm really excited about how this is shaping up, so I ended up doing 7 frames, with a few more in the works. Might even do an animation test for them too. The style changed quite a bit since last time. I ended up going for a fluorescent green for my primary color, representative of the film's saturated cinematography and more specifically, the green smoke from one the action scenes. The lines and scratches are meant to somewhat evoke the disruption in the system, as well as the grungy/electric notes throughout the soundtrack. Some of these changes have been more aesthetic than conceptual, but I think it's still a good match for the film and that I've managed to stick to a lot of the concepts I wanted to hit from my mind map and my original thumbnails.
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