Seth Deter

Mar 29. 2016

Finishing Graphic Design


| Ex Machina | I wanted to keep these frames fairly abstract in nature - aiming more toward a mood of symbolism. I felt that depicting the exact likeness of the characters would be an unfair giveaway, most especially if this sequence were to play at the beginning of this film. I feel one of the beauties of Ex Machina's beginning is the little information it gives the audience - the viewer is forced to just jump straight into Caleb's experience with very little leadup or explanation of the setting. My design goals were to illustrate frames that eluded to each characters nature while also touching on scenes that could be considered turning points within the narrative. I wanted the illustrations to be smooth and concise, consisting of a pallete that evokes feelings of danger, clostrofobia and overwhelming paranoia. These frames do still need refinement but I wanted to get something up here sooner than later.


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